Where to get a COVID vaccine

Posted on February 17, 2021.

As of February 15, 2021, RVFM does not have the COVID vaccine for our patients. We have the following list to help you find the vaccine. We will update this list as we find more locations and resources. Also, when we DO get the vaccine, we will communicate that directly to our patients. List updated …read more

COVID-19 Updates: Vaccine Information

Posted on December 31, 2020.

We have high hopes for 2021! We look forward to working successfully with you! We are experiencing and extremely high call and portal message volume that exceeds our capacity to respond in a timely fashion to our Ranch View patient family. COVID vaccine and exposure questions are causing a severe back-log in our ability to …read more

Flu Shots Now Available

Posted on August 28, 2020.

Flu shots are now available and we are making it easy for you to get one!  Starting September 1st, we are having a drive-thru flu shot clinic every Tuesday morning in September from 7am-9am.  Also, we will have a walk-in option every Thursday in September 9am-11am and 2pm-4pm. Please remember your insurance card and photo …read more

Walk-In Covid Testing Now Available

Posted on July 9, 2020.

Ranch View Family Medicine is now offering a Covid-19 testing clinic for persons without symptoms to walk in every Thursday from 9:00am -12:00pm and 1:30pm – 3:30pm. All persons for the walk-in clinic must be asymptomatic. If you are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms, you must have an appointment and use the back entrance. Absolutely no persons …read more

A Message from Dr. Garrison

Posted on July 1, 2020.

Hello Ranch View Family, I write you with acceptance and personal news that change is the only constant. And Ranch View is working hard to serve you and to survive. First, it is with sadness that I let you know Rachel Murray and Dr. John are no longer with the practice. Rachel is set to …read more